Hello Titans! 🪐
We have some amazing news to share with you. As many of you know, we have been in the midst of a Certik audit, one of the most reputable crypto auditors. After much hard work between them and us, we can officially say the Certik audit is complete!
Below you will find the link to the Certik website which has the audit file. Please note that the score and Skynet will be active in the next couple days, but in the meantime, you can read the PDF file with all findings. We also recommend to read all of the comments on the findings, as they go more in-depth and explain it all further.
Now for those reading the audit now, you will find some Major and Medium findings. We are happy to say these will be mitigated with the launch of V2. You can also verify this within the audit under the comments of those findings.
This is the start of a new journey for us, as you know, we are also planning on V2 migration, PLAY’s return, and so much more. Please stay tuned for those additional announcements in the coming time.
We know this has been a long process Titans, and we want to thank each and every one of you for your trust, patience and excitement. We are so happy to have such an amazing community and can’t wait to grow more and more each day!