Important Announcement!

2 min readFeb 14, 2022


Hello Titans,

As most of you are aware, there was a hack today of Titano PLAY. It took us all by surprise because the protocol for the project is complicated and layered providing strong protection for us. We went through our usual security checks and only released it to the community when we were sure it was working flawlessly and was totally secure.

Over the past month of its operation, we have seen no vulnerabilities and as you who have participated have seen, it has performed perfectly in a real world situation with thousands of active users.

And then the hack happened today. Needless to say this is disheartening and in addition to being angry, we are also taking every action to apprehend this person and have our funds returned.

In the meantime we have stopped Titano PLAY until we have removed any vulnerabilities in it. We do not have a timeline to accomplish this, however we will work as quickly as possible while making sure all vulnerabilities are removed.
Going forward, you can all count on that we will take care of anyone who has been negatively impacted by this hack. So please bear with us as we get through all of this.

Thank you to the community for your obvious support for us. There was a lot of FUD saying this was a rug pull and you all knew this was not. Thanks for your continued trust. You are the best community in crypto. We will get through this and we will be stronger because of it.

And now a note to the hacker. First, we know who you and where you are, and we will be relentless in pursuing you. We will give you 24 hours to return the funds you stole with no penalty. If you do not, the deal is off the table. You should know that we and many of our 42,000 strong Titan community have amazing contacts and a long reach, and we will not let you rest because of what you have done. We consider your actions not just an attack on Titano and our more than community, but against all of the DeFi companies who are committed to helping people to change their lives and find financial freedom. Do the right thing and return the money or you will never be able to rest easy.

The Titano Team.




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