Hello Titans 📣
Here a summary of what happened the last week ⏳
🔹 The last week Titano holders increased from 4000 to 4609
🔹 The team have burned $1,000,000+ USD from the token vesting
🔹 Titano Price went down from ($0.048) to ($0.032)
🔹 Price Prediction Contest
🔹 Youtube video promotion
🔹 90% finalization of the V2 Landing Page
🔹 The RFV and Treasury reached a value which can back 100% of the liquidity
The summary show a great growth of the community and the amazing news that the RFV and Treasury balances can now over-backing the current TITANO/BNB liquidity!!
Last week the team worked on the realization of the new landing page and the optimization of the copywriting, this will help a lot the marketing campaign.
The team started to work on the implementation of the new unrevealed utility which will furnish a new use-case for the project.
Announcement come soon..
$TITANO is in down trend, but this momentary market trend makes Titano more attractive to new and old investors who can enter a good position, before it reaches the stars.
Having summarized the last week we welcome the new one with new contests and updates regarding the development of the new utility 🚀
Thank you all for being Titans and supporting the project🙏