Hey there Titans!
⚡️ Weekly Summary ⚡️
You know what time it is! It’s time for us to recap and look at some of the highlights and news this week. We would also like to take a moment to thank every Titan for making Titano what it is today. Thank you all for your passion, support, and trust as we continue to expand on the Titano ecosystem.
Every day is a new step into the future for Titano, with new utilities, planned partnerships, and growth. We can’t wait to grow even more with you all!
Lets look at the week recapped
- Titano currently sits at over 68k holders, meaning we are gathering almost 1k new holders each day!
- We have broken a new market cap milestone and hit an over 250 million market cap for Titano!
- The price of Titano reached $0.2 and is holding stable between the .185 and .2 range, with a current trending rate in the .2 area.
- The team burned 192,668,375 Titano, which is valued at over $36,325,600 🔥
- We have been trending as a top coin on the market listings this past week
- We have hit new milestones for our discord at over 30k members and growing stronger each day.
- Titano A.M.A. revealing exciting new utilities and a glimpse into the future ecosystem
Let’s talk about what is coming soon
- Titano V2 contract tested and getting closer to launch, introducing new and improved security features
- Titano Lottery system and P.L.A.Y. V2 undergoing testing before launch
- Titano DEX is finishing code and pending testing
- Exciting new partnerships in the works
- Updates to Titano’s website and app
- Continued marketing and articles to spread the word about Titano
As we said in the A.M.A., we are happy to provide some updates as we continue to work on the utilities discussed. So far, we are pleased to say that the development on V2 is going very well, with everything tested and working amazingly. We are also happy to say that P.L.A.Y. and Lottery system are also undergoing testing, with all signs showing good so far. We will begin testing on the Dex soon once the final coding has finished up and will keep you all up to date.
This concludes our weekly summary! Thank you again for your trust and faith while we continue to build the Titano ecosystem. The community is the best part of Titano, and we are so grateful to have such amazing people be part of Titano.
Thank you, Titans, for everything you do and all of the support!
The Titano Team ❤️